About us

The SummerSchool Energy was organized within the junior research group “SteuerBoard Energie – Governance Mechanisms in a Future Polycentric Energy System” in cooperation with the “Vereinigung für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung” (VÖW).


The junior research group is put together of three collaborative partners:

The junior research group SteuerBoard Energie investigates needed changes in framework conditions and institutions in a changing energy system. For the energy transition in Germany to succeed, the energy system must be redesigned: On the one hand, many decentralized actors must be integrated, both technically and organizationally. On the other hand, the newly emerging polycentric energy system must be designed in a sustainable way - in other words, higher-level rules should focus on environmentally, economically and socially just implementation. In six qualifiying theses, the SteuerBoard Energie junior research group is investigating how digital applications can support this change process and what kind of financing options are available. Please find more information here: www.steuerboard-energie.org


The Vereinigung für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (VÖW) is an inter- and transdisciplinary network that deals with issues of sustainable development as well as their practical implementation. The special focus of its activities is on the field of sustainable management and the contribution that companies, politics and universities can make to it.


Contact Details

Picture: private
Picture: private

Julia Lüdemann

PhD candidate at ECOLOG Institute for social-ecological research and education 

Picture: IÖW
Picture: IÖW

Jan Wiesenthal

PhD candidate at Institute for ecological economics research (IÖW)